Friday, June 29, 2012

Why Can't I Find the Time....

Why can't I be one of these people who blogs my thoughts etc, everyday?  I mean it's not like I have anything else to do right?  I just hate that the times between blogging are longer and longer. Crazy....pathetic...please forgive me.
God has been doing so much in my heart and life in the months of May & June.  Honestly, these 2 months have been REALLY hard for me!  Let me start off by saying this....being a godly wife and mom is hard work, then throw in being a wife to a church planter-boom, enter craziness!  Honestly, I NEVER thought things could be so hectic and stressful and busy and amazing all at the same time.  God has been teaching me so many lessons that it is hard to sit down and really write about them all.
The church plant is going well, do I wish it was going my way-absolutely! (hehehe)  I am so glad that I am not the one writing this story of Harvest Bible Chapel, Greenville, because I would have messed it up a LONG time ago.  A few lessons I have learned so far:

  • Faith-my faith is so much weaker than I thought!  I have doubted God so many times in the last 2 months, honestly I am ashamed to really admit it, but more than that, I was really surprised that I felt so weak.  I know Satan has been attacking me because if he can discourage me then that is exactly where he wants me.
  • Blessings-these don't come always the way I think they should.  I mean, I have a list of the way I want God to provide for us, but He has provided in other ways so that He gets the glory, and we learn the lessons!
  • Ministry-ministry is HARD!  Not that I went into this thinking it was easy, but I have been reminded of the perseverance it takes to be in ministry, especially married to the senior pastor.
As I look over this list, I amazed at how God continues to grow me and shape me into who HE wants me to be.  Sam and I have talked multiple times about how this process of church planting is growing and stretching us in ways we have never thought possible!  Watching Sam step forward and lead our core group has been amazing!  How you can pray for us:
  • We are actively looking for someone to head up our children's ministry.
  • The search is on for a launch location!
  • Financial provision
  • Continued growth of our core group, both numerically and spiritually.

So, beyond that (which is a heartful), I am enjoying the kiddos all being home for the summer.  We have been able to swim at least twice just about every week, thanks to some kind friends.  We are also involved in the summer reading program, and working towards free passes to the waterpark.  Bryson and Madelyn's birthday party is coming up this week, they will be turning 9 and 4 on the 10th.  Really? am I old enough to have a 9 year old already?  I really am amazed how time just rushes by and I am so guilty of not taking time to just breathe and enjoy the stage I am in.  We are moving out the "baby years" and I have to say I am not missing that, well at least not when I remember that they turn 2.  Although, raising kids is no easy task, and discipling them is even harder.  God has really grown me in this and I am trying to be a little more intentional on taking the small things of life and making them teachable moments.  I said to a friend recently, God is changing my own heart, and that is what makes me a better parent! (instead of thinking my kids are the ones that always need to change)  I am thankful that I can look back over the last 5 years and see how God is moving in my life and that gives me hope for what is to come!
Fathers Day 2012